sex ed, texas style
so the government has this new microsoft-front-page-designed bullshit website about sex education which, in classic social conservative fashion, is more about comforting worried parents than informing curious, hormone bombarded teenagers. i could mock the prominence of abstinence in the "education" program, given the relative success of virginity pledges on reducing std rates (read:none), or the infuriating references to homosexuality and how to deal with it (both of which are outlined in this cnn article), but instead, i'd like to pose this question:
this is the picture on the main page of the (what a radical name!) website:

this picture's display of ethnic diversity is, shall we say, emphatic? the strange thing is that every single person in the picture was photoshopped in (quite badly, i might add), which means the ethnic make up of this picture was intentional. does that seem as racist to you as it does to me?
edit 4/4/05: looks like the site is down and the image is gone. i feel like an idiot for not mirroring it when i had the chance, but thems the breaks. for the record, the picture consisted of: four (4) african americans, two (2) asians, two (2) mexicans and one (1) white person. and the feathering job on them was atrocious.
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