Tuesday, April 26, 2005

You Talkin' to me?

Finally!! I'm a made man !!
According to the Soprano Name Generator, you can now all refer to me as Shane "Lonely Guy" Portman. And I'm not even Italian. And that's not all. I've got more names !!!

My Poet Name: Sir Francis Albatross

My Hobbit Name: Podo Sandydowns

My Star Wars Name: Shapo Tvgro

My Band Name: Hooray for Acidic Priests

My Glam Rock Name: CC Neptune

My Reggae Name: Mr. Satta

My Drag Queen Name: Charlamaine Courtisan

My Western Name: Filthy Ford

My Wu Tang Name: Lazy-Assed Demon

Biker Name: Meat-O of the Toecutters MC

Very British Name: Terrance Chamberlain

Hockey Player Name: Bob McPortmanson

Super Hero Name: Winter Enigma riding my Winter Stallion and w/powers like Animal Control, Direct Computer Interface, Danger Sense

Super Villain: Shark King riding my Chameleon Burro and powers of Water Control

So, pick one. Or just call me Shane. I'll take either.


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