Thursday, October 05, 2006

Great Headline, Great Article

Semi-famous actress dumps on the 'Burgh. The semi-famous actress in question was Sienna Miller who I contend is more than semi-famous. She's actually famous. Nora Dunn is someone I'd describe as semi-famous actress. Or Skee-Lo, if we were talking about semi-famous rappers.

I know us simple Pittsburghers (former, even) can't compete with the Londons and New Yorks of the world, but we do have the most cole-slaw and french-fry filled sandwiches in the world.

Related: The corpse of Fred Rogers rose from the grave, and exposed his bare ass in Sienna Miller's general direction. On it were the words: "Don't Tread On Pittsburgh".

Also Related: The corpse of Andy Warhol rose from the grave, and exposed his bare ass in The Corpse Of Fred Rogers' general direction. On it were the words: "She's right, you know."


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