Tuesday, August 30, 2005

an aggregated diamond nanorod is forever

a bunch of scientists got together and created a compound known as an aggregated diamond nanorod that has a modulus of 491 gigapascals. regular diamonds only have a modulus of 442 GPa. i don't know what a modulus is, but i gather it has something to do with toughness. i'm also guessing that GPa is short for "gigapascal", which is latin for "a billion pascals".

also, the compound has a twinkle factor of 654 megalumens on the pitfel scale, and rates an unprecedented G on the temprous standard, making it the physical representation of love. potential customers for the ADN's include sony, rumored to want "something shiny" to put in it's next-gen ps3 console.
[from physicsweb via /.]


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