here again indeed.
a couple of western pa natives had their wedding at the drive-thru of a mcdonalds. apparently that's where they met, and apparently that's romantic. anyway, the judge legalized their union with, and i quote, "Before their friends, family, the Hamburglar, Mayor McCheese, I pronounce you husband and wife."
now ask yourself; why would you invite a convicted hamburger thief to your wedding at mcdonalds? isn't that like inviting a pedophile to your kid's communion? only much worse? you might think having an authority figure like mayor mccheese there would keep the hamburglar in line, but remember that the hamburglar doesn't steal because he likes to, he steals because he needs to, and mayor mccheese's head is like the hope diamond of hamburgers. so the ceremony ended with the hambuglar strangling the honorable mccheese to death, severing his giant hamburger head with a spork, and running off into the sunset leaving a ketchup and/or blood trail for law enforcement to follow. *sigh* only in pittsburgh.
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