Thanks for the comment
In response to my Songs in a Blender post two posts back, Anonymous had this to say...
8:17 pm
It's really nice to find blogs like yours. I hope more and more people like you write a lot of stuffs you are talking about.
Sarbanes is a topic that is also nice to discuss. I hope you can do some Sarbanes related stuff.
More power to you!
While it is necessary to thank Mr/s Anonymous for the nice comment and the wish for more power to us, I suppose it is also necessary to call attention to this Sarbanes stuff that they're spamming us about.
But also, more importantly, it is necessary to point out the "I hope more and more people like you write a lot of stuffs you are talking about" portion of their comment. Because it is my sincere hope that more people write stuffs like we do, too. It would just be nice to know there are others out there that care about the stuffs we care about. It's what we all want, in the end-A world united.

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