by the power of zoloft

i've rediscovered my ability to cry when listening to songs that are not at all sad. on my commute to work this morning, the following songs made me cry (tears, sounds, sadness, the whole nine yards). just so you can see how silly it is for these songs to make me cry, i've included the lyrics
"decatur" by sufjan stevens
"neighborhoods #1 (tunnels)" by arcade fire
"nights wave" by mice parade
cry, cry, cry. i cried as i sang along, and tears streamed down my face at red lights. people in camrys could see me crying and what appeared to me talking to myself. cry.
i've actually missed this aspect of my depression. it was pretty awesome when i'd be driving and "under pressure" came on and i'd start balling. here's some other songs that made me cry:
"better days" strung out
"radio king" golden smog
"i'm a cukoo" belle and sebastian
"have a cuppa tea" the kinks
"who could win a rabbit" the animal collective
ahh, depression.
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