there's already a
colbert report fansite, that may or may not be created by stephen colbert himself. i, for one, think it's self-made, and if i'm proven right, that will make it all the more awesome. we've been toying with the idea of developing animal club fansites, and hosting them places like geocities and tripod and whatever hosts people use for free shit nowadays. mostly, i just wanted to make
chadbender.com, in honor of our recently departed piano player/beleagured contributor. turns out chadbender.com is not only taken and frequently updated, it's done so by a chad bender that our chad bender (the real chad bender) knows because they're from the same town.

chadbender.com chad bender is/was some kind of radio dj in tyrone, pa just when theanimalclub.com chad bender moved there in the mid 1990's. he convinced half or so of his high school that he was the chadbender.com chad bender for a while. they kept saying, "your voice sounds so different!" and "aren't you on the radio right now?", and chad would say "you know how the camera adds ten pounds? radio does that to your voice" and "we pre-record so i can go to school like a regular kid".
if i ever have enough spare money and time, i'll probably register the domain www.therealchadbender.com, and list the ways in which therealchadbender.com chad bender is superior to the chadbender.com chad bender. maybe once he gets back from france we can get together and hash it out. sounds like a fun project to me. other animal club fan sites i thought about making were ruthgamblewillyoumarryme.com, tom2sadventuresinpooland.com, and heyyoitsmeshane.com. as for me, there's already a mike balzer fan site out there. see for yourself:
This is chad bender. From altoona. I am the dj who are you? I find this article funny.
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