pittsburgh fun

our recent pittsburgh trip was quite the success. in chronological order, here's how the trip went down:
point park student show: that was fun. rachael stevens brought the crowd, we brought the funny. worked out nice. was fun.
alumni event:
PPU master class: i wasn't there, but i heard people had fun.
point park senior class: also not there, also heard people had fun.
COPA idol: rumor has it they showed our film, Clemmy Bunts, and it got a good response. woo hoo.
point park sophomore/junior class: that was fun. i got all jazzed about it. good times. thanks to mary rawson and phil winters for bringing us in, and thanks to the über-enthusiastic kids for asking questions i thought you only got asked on inside the actors studio (my favorite part was when i got to make fun of my old science teacher from college, which will get it's own blogpost not too long from now)
alan cox's radio show: dude plugged us for, like, ten minutes. thanks alan. how fun is that?
funny bone show: another 200 or so of the best people in the burgh came out to support. i think we all had a good time. a decent amount of material made it's debut, so that was fun. gab rocked shit out, and we got to do pittsburgh state of mind again, which was fun.
some stats:
• number of times we did "third grade theology" in pittsburgh: 3
• number of times we did "clemmy" in pittsburgh: 4
• number of times tom passed out sitting up in a bed with a drink in his hand: 2
• amount of garbage mike set on fire at tom's house: approx. 14 lbs.
• number of new sketches premiered: 4
• average amount of money spent on the funnybone show per person: $25
• number of times baz hit on mike's sister right in front of him: 6
• number of times mike hit on baz's sister(s) right in front of him: 2
• number of poop stories told by tom at emily's house: approx. 17
• number of animal club members who slept through the steeler game on baz's dad's boat: 5
• number of sketches written by former AC members in the funny bone show: 3
• number of new friends made on the trip: a million.
• number of blow jobs (recieved): 0 :(
• number of blow jobs (given): 0 :)
• number of times one AC member jinxed another: 233
we'll be back in pittsburgh sometime this spring or summer, hopefully with some sketch friends in tow, so we'll see you again soon. thanks, everyone!
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