Go Red Day

Today, February 3rd, is National Go Red For Women Day, a day where people are encouraged to wear red to call attention to heart disease in women. As most of you know, I've got heart disease, and as most of you know, I'm not a woman. So I'm feeling lots of stuff today. Jealousy. Envy. Anger. Sadness. Solitude. Left-out-ness. It's like when I was a kid and it was my sister's birthday.
However, my mom taught me that I'm a white middle class man, and as such, the other 364 days are effectively a celebration of me, so I can get over myself for a day, and encourage you all to find some way to do something about heart disease in women. Preferably, go to medical school and cure it in some people (again preferably women), but failing that, make a donation, or join Go Red and learn how to avoid getting heart problems in the first place (because in all likeliness it's too late for you to get a Make A Wish like I did, so really it's not worth it).
Hooray for getting involved!
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