Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What I love about translation widgets

I ran a test phrase through the translator widget on my powerbook to see how accurate the translation was. I chose German, as that's the only language I can do more than order chicken in. Here's how things broke down or, rather, how they broke apart:

Original English:
For all the girls with the long red hair
Who make my want to try:

Thank you.
Give yourself a hand.

Translated into German
Für das Mädchen mit dem langen roten Haar
Das mich versuchen wünschen läßt:

Geben sich eine Hand.

Bad German translated back into Bad English
For the girl with the long red hair try me to require leaves:

Give themselves a hand.

and back into German
Für das Mädchen mit dem langen roten Haar versuchen Sie mich, um
Blätter zu benötigen:

Geben Sie sich eine Hand.

Finally, English-to-German-to-English-to-German-to-English
For the girl with the long red hair you try me,
in order to need pages:

Give yourselves a hand.


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