Monday, May 22, 2006

blogberry @ the NRA convention

It's not what you think, though. I'm working as a camerman for a small cable network covering the National Resturant Association's national convention. Lots of food to be had here. Lots of Dubya, though. First time in my life filming a jackass president...I wonder how many "you got the wrong NRA" jokes he'll here today. Twelve, if I have anything to do with it.

I'm writing this from the Coca-Cola "booth", which costs three times as much as the house I grew up in. There are thirty-six 42" plasma screens, a custom chopper, custom fabricated furniture, and an army of red-shirt clad hotties distributing free Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Minute Maid juices, Icees, Dasani, and litterally a dozen other beverages. So actually, the free drinks they are giving out costs three times as much as the house I grew up in. Woo hoo boo hoo sob.


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