Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Distinguished Friends Of The Same Calling

Sometimes we forget I suppose, but along with being a sketch group, we are a club...an animal club. While we may be the only sketch group named The Animal Club (and I do stress may), there are many other Animal Clubs throughout this wide, wide world of ours. In honor of this fact, here are some Animal Clubs you can find on the web simply by googling "Animal Club".

This helpful sight has tips on how you too can make an Animal Club even if you don't live near this one. Tips like:

Decide on the Activities and Projects Your Club Will Focus
"Write down and discuss everyone's ideas. Choose the best ones." A warning: DO NOT CHOOSE THE WORST ONES! Why? Well, I'll leave that for PAWS to answer.

There are even foreign clubs- like this one from Japan. Although, I can't read it, it's cute and pink and definitely involves a bunny, a cat, and a monkey. There's even an Animal Club in faraway lands like Canada.

And googling Animal Club opens your eyes to things beyond clubs even. Take, this, for instance. Did you know that there are ANIMAL CLUB HEADCOVERS FOR YOUR GOLF CLUBS?!!! No? Well, google found not one, not two, but at least THREE different versions!

And look-ANIMAL CLUB GLUE!! Now, you can go ahead and glue those head covers together!

Let's not forget about The Animal Band. Although technically not a club, but the lead singer definitely wears a tiger suit coat-which is A-Okay in my book.

So yeah, support our fellow Animal Clubs if you can and if you happen to type too fast, no worries. There are some great entries for Animal Cloob, Clud, and Clurg.


Blogger Baz said...

i'd just like to say that this blog post is now the number 3 result on the "the animal clurg" google. not much going on animal clurg-wise outside of us, i guess.

11:19 AM  

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