Thursday, August 18, 2005

happy birthday, e=mc2!

This month, we "celebrate" the 100th anniversary of albert einstein's famous equation "e=mc2". simply put, this equation says that an object's potential energy is equal to the object's mass times the speed of light squared.

but what does this have to do with comedy, you ask? well, the animal club has a select group of sketches which, for whatever reasons, will never see the light of day. tornetta is fond of the phrase "you'll have to pry the keys to the gate of okay from my cold, dead hands". one such sketch is something i wrote in the fall of 2002, a piece about a boy band called e=mc4, and starring the four greatest scientific minds of the 20th century (einstein, neils bors, robert openheimer and stephen hawking). the punch (if you could call it that) was that stephen hawking was the "bass guy" that does the "girl, i'm so sorry for hurting you" monologue that's in the middle of every decent boy band song. i'm still holding out hope that one day we'll be REAL hard up for material and this thing will get pushed through. either that or i'll kill tornetta and take the keys to the gate of okay, also letting loose our secret weapon- a character known only as "gaycula".

story courtesy of slashdot


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