zoloft side effect watch- day 4

so i started taking zoloft last week. i decided to use this blog as a way to document my first foray into the world of anti-depressants. i was told that i won't start feeling "happier" for a couple of weeks, so i'll focus initially on the many, many possible side effects that come with this miracle happy drug.
1. the ever popular "dry mouth" made it's first apperance yesterday. this turned out to be a nice side effect, because it forced me to drink more water than i usually do.
2. headaches, number two on the drug-commercial side-effect billboard chart, dropped in on saturday.
3. in a rather strange development, i seem to have picked up the ability to wake up at 7:30 AM without an alarm. it sounds weird, but it's ever so true. every day since i started the prescription, no matter what time i went to bed, i wake up refereshed and ready to go at 7:30. trouble is there's nothing for me at 7:30 AM. i can't go to work that early, most of the websites i frequent haven't been updated yet, and no one else i know is awake so going out for breakfast is out of the question. boo to waking up early!
4. although it's not on the list of potential side effects, i noticed i'm less inclined to continue my persuit of 100% completion in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
that's it for now, but a whole world of surprises awaits me as this magic medication make it's way through my system, and thanks to the power of the internet, you shall all be passangers on my elevated train line of exploration through the world of discovery that is just 50mg away. all aboard!
Not going for 100% completion? For shame. That should only take you 200-300 hours. What else do you ahve to do?
-Alex "has been playing San Andreas for almost a month, and only 50% done" Zalben
i'm gonna blame this less on zoloft, and more on those fucking photo ops in san fiero. i've got 49 of them, and as far as i can tell, the 50th doesn't exist. anger!!!!!!!
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