i find my childhood is often emotionally encapsulated by bizarre bits of media. take my purchase of a hall and oates song as proof thereof. last night, i came across a long lost piece of the nostalgia puzzle- an online video file for the ostentatious HBO identification bumper that ran before feature films in the mid 80's.

i'm not saying you actually think these things (though you might); rather i'm saying this is the rare and likely uninteded effect of music, animation and circumstance coliding violently and working out to a company's advantage. i've seriously been looking for this clip ever since they invented the internet. and now i have it. and so can you by clicking here and scrolling down about half-way. that site is a british page called tv-ark, and you can track down other relics of tv past and present from all over the world.
H.B.O. was the first word I ever spelled by myself.
I just thought you should know.
i miss you.
i miss you too.
when you get to pgh call me and we'll spoon.
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