For The Children

As White Sox fans ecstatically celebrate their AL Central Title, it's hard to see past the cheering and the drunken revelry. So, it's understandable that no one notices that somewhere there is a little Ohio kid sobbing-ney-an entire city of children balling their eyes out in a dirty alley-having all run away from home. Drowning in the salty ocean of disappointment and blaming themselves for the Cleveland Indians shortcomings. The Tribe's loss is their loss, too, and they can only naively blame themselves. Is it fair that they should suffer? Think of these children. Where's their championship? What did they do to not deserve a World Series? It wasn't little Jimmy Canuck's broken vase error back in April or five-year-old Sally Jessie Anderson's green bean balk that held the Tribe back from the post season. But, how should they know it's not their fault? Kids are stupid. Please, let's get them out of that alley. Let's give them something to live for.
Now, before you start jumping to conclusions, let me reassure you that I'm not saying that the Cleveland Indians should get a spot in the playoffs out of sheer goodwill, I'm-well yeah, actually that's exactly what I'm saying.
And it's not because I'm an Ohio boy at heart. It's for the present day Cleveland boys and girls. They should never know what losing is. No child should. They should all play on undefeated teams until they're eighteen. Isn't that what America's about? Winning! Winning for the children!
So, when your pillow hits your head (or vice versa) tonight, think of the down-trodden children of Cleveland. Just give them five minutes of thought. Maybe then, someday we'll wake up and want something better-An America Where Every Child's Home Team Wins The World Series.
i'm pretty sure that even in your utopian america, the pirates would still have a losing season.
Joke circa 2000: I guess that Utopian America would be New York, since the Yankees win every year! WOOOOOOO!!! Go Yankees!!!
Joke circa 2005: Oh God I can't believe I fear the Angels.
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