maybe definitely

heh, i snorted to myself, someone once said, "i have a thing. it would be good to have two things. i should have two of the thing. if only there was a machine..." that's weird, right?
then i realized that copiers are totally practical, completely un-ironic pieces of technology, about which nothing is amusing. unless you haven't slept in two days, in which case you find everything amusing, but also nauseating and/or painfully bright. like the pic to the right? hilarious. it looks like a robot, saying "good afternoon, randy, would you care for some documents?" get it? because it looks like it's holding it's left arm up, and there's like a tray like waiters....(fade out)
my drive home is 45 minutes long, and four and a half hours away. the odds of me testing my car's durability versus a tree or other car around 5:00 is quite high. i should probably up my insurance to include collision.
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