Hall of Fame!
WOW! I've never crunched hall of fame medical data before! Who knew the cradle of baseball was such a big fan of Certain Brand® Thrombrolitic Delivery Devices?! It casts a whole new, more baseball related light on interventional angiography! Were I of proper mind, I'm sure I'd come up with a list of baseball metaphors for cardiac applications, but seeing as I haven't slept in (time check) 30 hours, my reference levels, even on such things as close to me as baseball and cardiology, are suffering. I think I can come up with one, though.
If scrubbing into your electrophysiology lab is knocking the dust of your cleats, using a self-retracting, drug dispensing catheter with attenuated peripheral movement to sever ancillary electrical pathways is knocking it out of the park AND saving a life!
related: in the ongoing NCAA football naming crusade, Shane and I pulled out my 1988 Panini MLB sticker album, and named not one, but TWO NCAA teams (University of Louisianna- Lafayette and Middle Tennessee State) with obscure 1980's baseball players! Oh the highlights! Brook Jacoby the lineman, Don Sutton the strong safety. Angel Salizar the halfback, Jim Eisenreich the tight end. I could go on forever, but I've got Hall of Fame cardiology data to clean!
pictured above and to the right: a cute Don Mattingly on the cover of the Panini 1988 Baseball Album
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