Sketchingham- Revised with good structure

So. I'm officially home from Bellingham, back at work, and already whimsical for the days recently gone by. A zillion thanks to Andrew and Mike from the Cody Rivers Show, and their whole household for putting us up. Another zillion thanks to the sponsors of Sketchingham for making sure we gots paid and fed, and another zillion thanks to the fans who sold out the whole weekend before we even got there. And the last zillion thanks to Bucket, from Vancouver, who were always on their game. Awesome!
Some highights from the trip:
1. On the way out of Chicago, we realized we had a combined $350 between the six of us. Whoops!
2. Andrew is a raw vegan, which meant he was gnawing on avacados all weekend. Awesome!
3. The Rockies and Cascades were still snow-capped, making for a simply awe-inspiring trip from Wyoming through Washington. Americana!
4. There were 100MPH winds in South Dakota on our way home! Tornado!
5. Sketchingjam was the likely highlight of the whole weekend. All three groups got together and wrote the show Saturday morning, performed it Saturday night, and I dare say it was better than our real shows. Fun!
6. Arby's "Roast Beef" sandwiches are made from liquified animal stuff! Gross!
I'm sure other tidbits will trickle in today. I just wanted to put a formal thank you out there for anyone who finds their way here post-Sketchingham. Back to work!
Link to Sketchingham photos by John Meloy
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