Indeed. There's revelers downstairs. I'm tired and going to bed. Just wanted to poke my head in the digital room, let everyone know our weekend of shows in Bellingham were great. All three regular shows were sold out, and the "sketchingjam", where we, the cody rivers show, and bucket joined forced to write a show together in 10 hours was awesome.
also, cody rivers made sure we were hooked UP, having a half-dozen vegan friendly resturaunts feed us as we needed it giving new, much more practical meaning to the word "sponsors".
we're back on the road tomorrow, and back in chicago tuesday. sometime between now and then, i have to mail my taxes and right the many violent wrongs i made with regards to my bank account since i left chicago (full deets to follow). anyway, i'm off. see you soon.
sleep now.
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