Helicopter Love
Dear CBS,
Recently, I was flipping through the TV Guide and, for the first time, in what must be years, I didn't see AirWolf listed. Is this a mistake or have you canceled the best body of work that Jan Michael Vincent and Ernest Borgnine ever did together? Shame on you if you pulled the plug and, if you didn't, then shame on TV Guide for not publishing the show times (In that case, would you be so kind as to put this letter into the TV Guide addressed envelope I have provided?)! The story of Stringfellow Hawke isn't just the story of a helicopter pilot for the CIA-just like AirWolf wasn't just a helicopter. It was a helicopter with missiles and machine guns!! In fact, here's a brief synopsis:
"A top-secret division of the CIA known as 'The Firm' has built a hi-tech, weapons-laden new helicopter called 'Airwolf', but after the chopper's test flight, the craft's twisted creator, Dr. Moffet, turns the lethal firepower onto the flight tower, before taking off in the chopper with his two co-pilots to Libya. Archangel, the head of the division who built Airwolf, is badly wounded in the assault but not out of the game, and calls upon ace combat pilot Stringfellow Hawke to take the task of bringing back Airwolf from Libya, where Moffet is using it to destroy for his own sadistic pleasure. Hawke nowadays is a recluse, living only with his dog Tet in a cabin in the mountains, since his brother St. John's disappearance in the Vietnam War..."
Sounds like America to me. Pure, unadulterated America! And that's just the pilot episode (And I have never been so adamant of anything as I am when I say that pun was NOT intended!). CBS, I beg of you-look into the eyes of this stellar cast and tell me you don't believe in them. I don't think you can. I don't think anyone can.

That man has a business suit and a patch, damn it! He's dapper! And mysterious!! You can't buy that kind of costuming!!!!
A Concerned Viewer
Air Wolf! Holy shlockfest! I remember that show though it has mercifully expunged itself from my memory. Until NOW, that is. Thank you, thank you so very much! I will never visit your blog again. Damn the Next Blog button! DAMN IT ALL!
Well thats a great blog entry. I just dinished up watching 3 seasons of airwolf, season 4 was nothing but pure rubbish, no string :-(. ah well, at least they were good for a few seasons. Cya
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