selection sunday!
minus basketball and it's actually tuesday, but hey! guess who's nominating someone to the supreme court of the united states tonight?! that's right! ME!!
g-dub got a little pissed at me for my continued gentle ribbing of him on the blogwaves, and i was all ready to rip on whoever he chose, so he was all like "you think you could do better?" and i'm all like "well i couldn't do worse." and he's all like "well then fine, YOU name the next supreme court nominee" and i'm all like "FINE. I will, and i'll do a fine job, too" and he's all like "i bet you will" and i'm all like "well fine then, i guess i will" and he's all like "fine" and i'm all like "fine".

i expect an honest, polite and thorough evaluation process, and urge the house and senate to quickly confirm mr brown to his new position,
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