Roswell Season 3 just come out on DVD!!!! For 7 of the 8 inhabitants of the Animal Club commune this means a celebration!!! Finally, after months and months of waiting, we will learn the answers. We will know what lies in store for Max, Isabelle, Michael, Liz, Maria, Kyle, and all the other people we've grown to know and love in Roswell, New Mexico. In it's three seasons, this show never really took off and that's understandable in a way. The WB network + teen angst + aliens doesn't neccessarily sound like an equation for success. And looking at the words on their own, it seems pretty awful from my view, too. But, as fate would have it, this series found us. Mike T. and Bethany stumbled onto a couple of rerun episodes (the series aired from 1999-2002) on Sci-Fi and soon, we were all taken to it like salt to slugs.
The first two seasons (bought with what little money was found in cushions and pockets) were watched in breakneck speed. We were addicted like kittens on crack. We laughed. We cried. We cheered and we shouted angrily. It's ridiculous how attached we became. There's been a few addictions for me in the past (Seinfeld, Early '90's SNL, Arrested Development, and flings with rerun marathons of Cheers and All in the Family), but never have I left the television set and found myself anxious and twitching, eager to know what was going to happen to my friends. Yes, my friends. Late nights were spent because it didn't feel right to leave them. We were late for work and rushed home as soon as we could. We dreamt Roswell, talked Roswell, ate Roswell. And you know what? It was worth every minute. If you haven't seen it, check it out. But, make sure you have the time to watch back to back to back to back episodes. Chad snuck a laptop computer into his work so that he could watch episodes in a storage closet.
check out for more Roswell news for Roswell dorks.
i'd like to go on record as the one member of the commune who did not share the joy over this release.
i'm happy for the rest of you, though.
Roswell is okay, but nothing is sweeter than Beek from the Creek. Seasons 1-5, bee-otches!
OKAY? I love Gab Bonesso, but I have to say Roswell is much more than okay. It's an awakening.
more sketchy math....
there are only 7 of us, shane.
tsk, tsk.
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I love Shane Portman, but I have to say that season one of Roswell kicked ass, but the following seasons blew so hard that my toes bleed anytime someone says, "Jason Behr" (who, coincidentally played "Chris" during Season Two of Dawson's Creek).
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