a little shout out/plug for all you devoted sketch comedy group blog fans. john boyle, admin of the awesome
sketchcenter website and writer/performer with seattle's
train of thought has joined the ranks with the
train of thought blog. John is the middle one in the pic on the right, both positionally and sexynessly.
nice blog. good work..
Thanks and how did you find it?
me or cher? i found it by bloogling "sketch comedy", just to make sure we were still number 1. we were, and you were number 2. elephant larry should put sketch comedy in their title, too.
I just wanted to post something about this Duo I saw, late night, in Chicago. They are called Competitive Awesome, and they are ridiculously funny. Late night comedy is not dead in Chicago, as long as these two gentlemen are around. It felt like I was back in the 70's at Second City watching the greats before the whole world knew they were great. These two guys will be the next big thing. If you are in Chicago you must go and see them if they are performing. I found their website which is as follows: www.competitiveawesome.com
Go and see the future of what comedy should be in the U.S.
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