Thursday, November 03, 2005

A Chat With Nancy Kerrigan Part 2

The following is part two of a five-part (Part 1)telephone interview with Olympic figure skater Nancy Kerrigan that was conducted after I came across her name in a crossword puzzle.

Me: Nancy, what's it like to be a figure skater?

Nancy: It's amazing there's nothing like it in all the world. Gliding on the ice is like flying-I'd have to assume that, of course (Figure skater giggle.). But, it's as if nothing else mattered in life when you're out there. Stress just fades into a triple axle. Rent becomes a triple sow-cow. There's nothing like it. Have I said that already?

Me: Hey, who's asking the questions here? (Guy who calls people he finds in a crossword puzzle giggle.)

(Figure skater giggle.)

(Guy who calls people he finds in a crossword puzzle giggle.)


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