Yes, The New Yorker
I picked up a copy of the latest issue in the airport the other day, and it just so happened to be the annual cartoon issue. Of all the regular features in the New Yorker, the cartoons are my least favorite, just behind Goings on About Town. My value system, however, took a punch in the gut this week, because I actually saw a cartoon in the New Yorker that I liked. In fact, I laughed out loud. Here it is:

The issue of New Yorker cartoons being explicitly unfunny was covered in an episode of Seinfeld where Elaine got the editor to admit that even he didn't get the cartoons, so I won't delve into that. Still, it's a mystery to me that one of the two great sources of literary wit in America (the other being McSweeney's) could have cartoons that are so, I don't know, meh.
Also, please enjoy this shout and/or murmur from the same issue, a fun run on the theme of college essays.
Now go enjoy a constitutional or art exhibit. You know, be metropolitan.
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