Hey everyone. Just wanted to let you know that the stories of our absence have been slightly exaggerated, but one thing we can say is true. The Animal Club, as we've known it for seven years, is wrapping it up. It's an amicable seperation. And in many ways, we're still going to be working on many projects together. I like to think of it as spreading and not seperating. And I also like to misspell seperation/seperating (separation/separating). We've got some new territory we want to explore. So, shed a tear if you must, but don't be sad for too long. We move on with fond memories and have no idea what's to come next, but it all seems pretty exciting.
We're keeping the website up to let everyone know what we're up to. It may just morph into something completely different, too. But, keep checking it. Also, we're going to have a crazy last show this summer (tba) in our birthplace, that ol' city o' steel, and were hoping to bring back all former Animal Club members and turn it into a big reunion. We'll obviously let you know about all that as it unfolds.
Biggest complete news we have in regard to this is that we're going to keep this blog going. Because, well, because we're too close to 1000 posts not to. So, please, keep coming back here.
And without further adue, orangutan boxing: