did you know?
internet commerce accounts for 8% the entire market! i did a study on it!
Your blog away from blog
in honor of my slightly earlier post (see below), please enjoy this gibberish post.
at work today, i kept hitting the "next blog" button on the blogger bar, and found some interesting blogs. and by interesting i mean nonsensical spam gibberish. such as:
hey ho, fools.
Of all the holidays, the commercialization of this one, makes it one of the hardest to understand. Somewhere, some time ago, some one decided to promote Easter as the day a large bunny visits with eggs, confusing all Christian children henceforth. Do bunnies lay eggs? Do they steal them from chickens and just paint them? Is there an egg factory in the South Pole? Where does chocolate play into all this? The questions about Easter are easy to find. The answers, I'm afraid, are not.
Some people will remember March 22nd as the day US naval hero Stephen Decatur was killed in a duel with former Navy Commodore James Barron. But, as for me, from this day forward I shall always remember March 22nd as the date that I first heard that Punky Brewster is pregnant with a Punky Jr!!!
alright. i have had it up to here with my g.i. joe power wheels tank. i totally decided to sell it. it's not what you think, though. i love my tank. i love it the way a pittsburger loves the steelers, or the way a construction worker loves his hard hat, or better yet, the way a g.i. joe loves his fucking tank. but it's just too awesome for any one person to own for more than fifteen years.
Just wondering-
i'm not sure how long this will be up, but cnn's latest article on the terri schiavo right-to-die/right-to-keep-alive poppycock had one item of interest for me:
no longer content with ruining religion, science has turned it's vengeful "not proven 'till it's proven" stubborness on itself. apparently, science doesn't have all the answers. there are thirteen things science doesn't understand, and here they are (in case you ever meet science at a party and want to get a rise out of her).
"Let's talk about 'roids."
Yesterday, an article in the New York Times, 'Hazards: Men, Children, and Lost Fingers' by Eric Nagourney, read:
what's done is done. and what's done is mansquito. it came in like a lion, and went out like a half man, half mosquito. here's the quick stats on mansquito:
Which part man? Which part mosquito? MANSQUITO!!!!!
the staff at the second city training center has bestowed upon us the honor of not one, not two, not three, not five, but FOUR donny award nominations. we were nominated as a group for best sketch show and best technical direction, and ruth and tom each got nods for best actress and best actor. woot!
the mansquito! madness continues!!!
god, to be a fly on the wall when this was pitched...
check it out! i am a blogger! i'll blog by blogging another blog: