There's a great sketch show at CIF tonight: 9:00 in the Lookingglass Studio Theatre, longtime AC pals Elephant Larry from NYC will bring their super-smart, super-fun sketch stylings to shicago. I highly, highly recommend it.
Your blog away from blog
There's a great sketch show at CIF tonight: 9:00 in the Lookingglass Studio Theatre, longtime AC pals Elephant Larry from NYC will bring their super-smart, super-fun sketch stylings to shicago. I highly, highly recommend it.
From the desk of Shane Portman, Customer Service Representative:
Soon we will be welcoming our pals from Elephant Larry into our home. I expect much of the usual (pillow fights and smores) and a dash of surprise (a couple of extra pillow fights and smores made with those cinnamon flavored graham crackers). Can't really be too sure of anything except that it's going to be a kick ass weekend!*
Get this!
Today I woke up in one of those cheery, happy-go-lucky-for-no-apparent-reason moods. I left the house, bound for work-still happy as a clam. And from some unknown reservoir in the dark of my brain, these lyrics came flooding:
So, we now have a new audio recording from Osama Bin Laden. And tension's rising in Iran and Palestine and Israel are rekindling their hatred officially. I think it's time for all these hot heads and anyone else threatening world destruction to sit down and figure this whole thing out. Seriously, have a nice meal or something. How about Denny's? Georgie, Osama you guys like Denny's?
Baz basically said it all, but I just wanted to toss my hat into the circle and agree that Bellingham was amazing. I'd go so far as saying that it's a Valhalla on earth. I mean there are cafes that musicians play in any time they want for a meal. That's pretty wonderful in my book (you should read it sometime). And everyone there seemed to have a job that they wanted to do. It's like everyone who said, "I want a job that inspires me," in high school moved to Bellingham. I can't tell you how many people we met that work at Nature Preserves, with Children in the Mountains (yes, there were more than one), as artists and musicians. It was amazing. And everyone there seemed happier for it. Seriously. I actually observed the check out girl at Rite Aid make eye contact and smile genuinely at everyone in line as she checked them out!
Indeed. There's revelers downstairs. I'm tired and going to bed. Just wanted to poke my head in the digital room, let everyone know our weekend of shows in Bellingham were great. All three regular shows were sold out, and the "sketchingjam", where we, the cody rivers show, and bucket joined forced to write a show together in 10 hours was awesome.
So, tomorrow we begin a trek that will end 36 hours later at the first annual Sketchingham Festival in Bellingham, Washington. We are both excited and scared. Mostly excited though. Actually just excited. Not scared at all. Scared was thrown in there rather pointlessly as an attempt to up the drama.
There's a section in our newspaper devoted to celebrity sightings over the past week. That's right! Not where celebrities will be, but where they were. Why? I mean it's literally a full page of where people had food, which stores they went to, which bathroom they used at O'Hare. How sad is that? I understand being star struck by a celebrity. I've been there. But, even if you sprinted to the place mentioned the second you read the article, you're not going to see Brad and Angelina unless you're reading today's paper yesterday. Besides, seventy-five percent of these reports are filled with people clinging to fame like poop to ass hair. People like Paris Hilton, her latest boyfriend, and the contestants of every reality TV show. And I honestly think the world would be a better place if we didn't know where they were.
It's 4:08 AM, and I have a long, long, long list of things to do before AC heads to the Pac NW to do some SS at the IT, but what's stuff to do when your living room is stuffed full of friends, acquaintances, and people you just met forty minutes ago? Apparently not enough, though I'd like to point out that I found time to blog about it all.
Did you know that the wikipedia entry for the "band" the Scorpions is google-ranked higher than the wikipedia entry for actual scorpions?
Dialogue is verbatim, conversation occurred one minute ago:
After listening to "We R The Handclaps" 40 times, I no longer looked forward to hearing it. I wasn't yet angry, or disrespectful, but could feel that trend beginning. I got sick in the afternoon, so decided to end the study at 47 listens. This morning, I played "Handclaps" one more time to see if the effects were cumulative or would wear down after time, and found that the latter held true. As of today, I still enjoy listening to "We R The Handclaps", and put the estimated consecutive listens threshold for said song at an even 50.
At long last, I've begun my great experiment; perhaps the definitive study in my great career. Ever since I joined the digital music revolution, I've wanted to determine, scientifically, how fast you can get sick of a song. First, I needed a song that met the right criteria:
It's storming like a banshee in Chicago right now. I've got a zillion things to do, but mother nature knows my weakness. I'm happy as hell to just sit back and watch the fireworks. Well done, cold front. Well done indeed.
• Cowboys Don't Cry (2002)